Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes

Carpal Tunnel Symptoms To Watch For

One things that you will need to watch for when looking into the many different forms of carpel tunnel are those that are known as repetitive stress injuries. Those injuries are caused when a person performs the same range of motions, in the same manner many times a day.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, a repetitive stress injury or RSI, is no longer limited to someone who works at a computer all day. Any activity, such as playing sports or musical instruments, or job that requires a regular repetitive motion or action could cause an RSI. Here you will learn how to watch for symptoms associated with carpal tunnel, and how to avoid them.
The initial symptom you will probably experience when afflicted with this condition is a tingling sensation in each of your hands. A lot of people say it feels as though ‘pins and needles’ are pricking them. Many people also report feeling this in their wrist and hand area, particularly in the digits. Some individuals also experience the sensation in their forearms, often on the inside of the arm on the same side as the thumb. It likely affects thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers. Though rare, in extreme cases, people may also feel it in their palms. This is because the wrist’s median nerve, located close to the ‘tunnel,’ is being compressed, which delays and interferes with the signals for that specific nerve.
The next symptom that you should watch for is weakness in the hand and the wrist. There are several muscles that run along the arm, in the wrist, and in the hand. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive stress injuries, it is quite likely that the inflammation as a result of these injuries affect the muscles and/or there is compression in the muscles as well. This may cause the muscles to become weak. In addition to this, if there is compression on the muscles it is likely that the muscle is not getting the necessary oxygen and circulation. This means that you may find that there is actual numbness in the wrist, as well as the hands in general.
symptom finder for wrist paincarpal tunnel evaluation

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a complicated condition that can result in a number of symptoms. The symptoms mentioned so far are among the most common symptoms that one may experience. There are other symptoms, such as:
1. You may be unable to grasp items as well as you used to.
2. You might discover that you experience the sensation that your hand is falling asleep.
3. You may experience pain or soreness in the forearm between hand and elbow.
There could be feeling of stiffness in the area of fingers and wrist.
The easiest motions like closing the zipper on your purse, or starting your car by turning the key can become impossible.
This guide will give you the signs to watch out for if you think that you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. If your symptoms fit the descriptions, then consider a consultation with a medical professional. They will make the official diagnosis and you can decide where to proceed from there.

By: Frank Barnett

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Of course, the easiest way to avoid most forms of carpal tunnel syndrome is often to simply upgrade your workstation. If you’re tired of the one-size-fits-all equipment that came with your computer, visit Ergonomic Resources today!