5 thoughts on “Home Tennis Elbow Treatment”

  1. Know what you feel. At one time, I almost thought there was nothing I could do to stop the pain. The pain stopped only after i found my tennis elbow treatment that stopped the pain.

    It is a simple, fast, and immediately effective tennis elbow treatment that doesn’t require surgery. But the solution doesn’t require a big financial investment or time commitment either.

    My tennis elbow treatment is just simple exercises with the right techniques and some things to avoid. Has worked for me for over a year.

  2. I got tennis elbow once when I was 23 so don’t feel bad. I found that you have to ice it a lot. Also, I took anti inflammatories. Second, warm up before you play. That means do something other than play tennis. I would usually jog and shadow box for at least 15 min and then stretch out and then go back to playing.

  3. first 24 hrs do icing then afterwards do warm moist pack for 10 mins followed by moving it flexion extension.

  4. Tennis Elbow is an over-use injury, and the only way to get rid of it for good, is to rest it, along with the anti-inflammitories, and icing. It can take 4-6 weeks to get better. You can also try an elbow brace, and immobilize your arm.

  5. “I found that you have to ice it a lot. Also, I took anti inflammatories. Second, warm up before you play. That means do something other than play tennis. I would usually jog and shadow box for at least 15 min and then stretch out and then go back to playing.”
    You can more about this?

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