Pain in Shoulder and Elbow Can Be Prevented

Rotator Cuff Exercises – Prevent Injuries Before they Happen

Many people suffer from shoulder pain where a simple set of rotator cuff exercises could have saved then form the pain. In this article we’ll discuss the way to address the problem and prevent it.

This same preventitve care should be used for everyone to prevent repetitive stress injuries.

Many people who engage in various sports activities do not do any rotator cuff exercises or any other warm up exercises. Of course, the warm up has to be done before you start your main workout or any kind of sports games (golf, football, tennis etc.).

The reasons for not doing any warn up are usually laziness or ignorance, but the out can very well be severe.

Take Golfers for example. Many people believe that golf is a game for people who are too lazy to do any other, more intensive sports. That may be so, but will you be surprised to learn that thousands of golfers each year suffer form rotator cuff injuries, and seek medical help accordingly?

These folks could have treated themselves better, and would have saved themselves a world of pain, and medical bills. Same story applies for people who do other sorts of sports, work out in the gum, swim in the pool etc.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m all for sports – it still has more advantages than dis advantages. And I do work out in the gum 3 times a week. The thing is – you need to acquire a few useful habits that will help you avid these kind of problems.

So, how could you make the best of your workout, and still have the best chance of avoiding rotator-cuff problems.

Well there are a few ways:

1. You need to warm up. Even 2 minutes of warm up before hitting the golf course, to the swimming pool will go a long way to help you stay on the safe side. There is a great verity of rotator cuff exercises aimed at loosening the area and making it lees vulnerable to stress and pain.

2. Stay fit and strengthen your muscles and tendons. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons that are responsible for the connection of the upper arm and the shoulder blade. Indeed, a very important group. Take good care of them by regularly doing exercises to strengthen the area. This will help you cope with all the strain and effort that area observes while doing an activity like swimming or golfing. Thus, reduce the chances of injury.

3. Consult your doctor. Especially if you had problems before, Consult your doctor regularly. This just might save you from and potential problems.

4. Listen to your body. If your rotator cuff is in pain, don’t push it. Take a rest, and see a doctor. Most problems are easy to fix if you attend them at the beginning and don’t wait till it gets worse.

The best way to deal with a problem is to avid creating it. Regular rotator cuff exercises will help you to build strength and endurance to the area, and will lessen the risk of getting hurt along the way.

Dave Green gives much more info about rotator cuff exercises and how to overcome pain and stiffness in the shoulders. Come on and follow along as I reveal more useful information on the matter.

By Dan Weber
Published: 8/27/2007

Shoulder Exercises

A stiff and weak rotator cuff can lead to many problems from frozen shoulders to neck pain to carpal tunnel symptoms to not being able to reach an overhead shelf.

Rotator Cuff

These two factors; the repeatable nature of the golf swing, and subject of the rotator cuff to over use injuries point to the need of injury preventative rotator cuff exercises.

Strong and Healthy Shoulders

Keep your shoulders strong and healthy with these rotator cuff exercises! Rotator cuffs are a fragile area that needs constant attention.

Diabetic Neuropathy and Carpal Tunnel

Diabetic neuropathy is a family of nerve disorders which is caused by caused by diabetes. Unfortunately, over time people with diabetes can develop nerve damage throughout the body. Some people with nerve damage have expreience no symptoms. Others may have symptoms such as pain, tingling, or numbness – even a total loss of feeling— in the hands, arms, feet, and legs.

One of the most common results of diabetic neuropoathy is carpal tunnel syndrome. Diabetic nerve damage increases the susceptibility to compressive injury.  As a results carpal tunnel sysdrome can occur in 30% of those cases.  Yet another type of this sort is an elbow pain.

sings of carpal tunnel

In may cases these types of injuries are best traeted through surgery rather than homeopathic treatment as the damage to the nerve cells is too great.

Sugarland Carpal Tunnel Release

In 2002 the Microlight Corporation of American in Sugarland, TX received clearance from the FDA to market its Microlight 830 laser for the use in the non-surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.  

The ML83O Laser is a non-thermal laser capable of penetrating deep into tissue.  The laser light stimulates the vascular and lymphatic systems under the skin.  This stimulation reduces the pain and inflammation in the area of the carpal tunnel so that the carpal tunnel release surgery may not be necessary.

sugarland carpal tunnel surgery

The device is small and does not have a cord since it is battery operated.  Theere are not gels or special creams to use either and it works through light clothing as well.

Exercises Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Exercises For Hands And Wrists

At present, where everyday activities such as work or perform domestic work are such an important part of our lives, the hands play a key role, because these are the main tools we use in the development of those already mentioned, which is why in this article we will make a big emphasis on some exercises for hands and wrists that can help keep them in excellent physical condition and give some recommendations to avoid problems that might hinder the performance of his hands in the various activities where these are necessary.

The exercises for hands and wrists are based on the implementation of certain exercises with both aerobic and anaerobic base, with the aim of strengthening some parts of the same to avoid the appearance of certain factors that may cause temporary or permanent injury, which may hinder the carrying out some work.

Today the hand and wrist exercises are widely used by people suffering from some problems such as arthritis or carpal tunnel, which are apart from suffering painful, very steady, so hand and wrist exercises have meant a great source treatment for them.

It is now used for exercises hands and wrists as:

Stretching Exercise: This is based on stretching your arms completely and then take your fingers and pull your hand back up to the minimum point of pain, with the aim to achieve a good hand elongation.

Relaxation exercises will be made with the aim that both hands as the wrists to attain an optimal muscle distencionamiento; these are based on stretching your arms and then let your wrists hung; after that is to perform the following type pendulum movement upwards and down.

Strengthening Exercise: consists of placing his hand on a surface that can lift, so that the index finger can lift slightly this surface, this exercise is very useful for increasing the strength of the muscles of the hand.

carpal tunnel syndrome exercise 

Exercises to strengthen the tendons: these are made with the help of an elastic rope, the exercise has placed the rope on both wrists and then try to separate them with all the force possible during the time that most resist, with the purpose that the tendons are required to ensure full and acquiring greater strength.

The Pilates: this novel technique gymnastics meets all the activities required to work all components of the hands and wrists, then work with pulleys and weight make these maintain an optimal level of exercise, making the strengthening of the muscles of the hand whole, which is why the exercise is probably more advisable to avoid the appearance of some ailments manuals.

Although there are many more exercises that can be done to strengthen the hands and wrists, these are the most useful and recommended by experts.

In short, the importance of the hand and wrist exercises lies in the prevention of physical problems in the future, so there is no longer an excuse for failing to practice these important exercises every day.

By: Roberto Bell

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Author is webmaster of and read more articles on Fitness and Exercise on this website.

Repetitive Stress Injuries or Tendonitis from Computer Work

Having spent the past twenty-five years using a computer keyboard, there seems to be no form of repetitive stress injury that I have not experienced at one time or another.  Sometimes it used to wake up in the middle of the night with my index finger stinging between the knuckle and the first joint by the nail.  Wow, did that ever hurt. Obviously I had been clicking on the mouse far too many times.

At other times I have experienced shooting pains on the top of my elbow where the tendon latches onto the bone – no doubt this is tennis elbow.  Once this cleared up I then experienced pain on the inside of my elbow and shooting down my arm which can be characterized as carpal tunnel syndrome and deQuervain’s tendonitis.  Okay, so what else is there?  How about bursitis in the upper arm — this means the outside of your arm aches all of the time. 

Given all these ailments that have been caused by doing computer work all the times, I had two choices.  1) Figure out how to reduce the stress on my arms and hands to alleviate the problem, or 2) quit doing computer work.  Well, since I make my living with the computer moving on to something completely different was not really that practical. Therefore, I needed to change the way that I sit at the computer in order to alleviate these repetitive motion injuries.

First and foremost was the purchase of an adjustable keyboard arm and tray.  The one I have moves in and out, up and down, and you can make the keyboard tilt towards you at difference angles.  What I do is to move the keyboard into different positions no and then especially if you are working in the keyboard for an extended period of time.

In order to alleviate the wrist pressure, you can purchase a wrist guard that fit like a glove over your wrist.  This prevents your wrist from bending which causes the tendon to scrape against the sheath (the carpal tunnel).  I have also used the keyboard wrist pad which is placed in front of the computer keyboard which does provide relief.  This works fine if your keyboard is at the correct height.  However, most desks are a standard 30 inches high which is fine for writing but is not that great for using a keyboard.


 computer accessories for carpal tunnel


Another useful purchase is an ergonomic keyboard which curves and is set up in such a way that the arms and wrists are in the correct position while typing.  It seems weird at first but after a while you get used to it and this is very effective.

Now for those mouse clicking issues.  The first thing is to purchase an adjustable mouse tray.  This works similar to the adjustable keyboard tray and you can set it up so you can rest your arm on the chairs arm rest and then use the mouse without bending your arm.  Then pick up an ergonomically shaped mouse.  However, if you still seem to have issues after an extended use of the mouse then use the mouse with the other hand.  If you are right handed, simply transfer the mouse to you left hand.  Now this can be a bit tricky at first but in the long run it will save your arm.  The beauty of doing this is twofold.  First, you have moved the mouse to the hand that is not your dominant hand and have therefore reduced the use of the arm that was giving you trouble in the first place.  Secondly, you are clicking the mouse with your middle finger and not your index finger which reduces use of the index finger which causes the deQuervain’s tendonitis. 

Once I had instituted these measures I eliminated all of the pain issues I had using the computer. The only other thing I do is to make sure I get up, stretch and walk around at frequent intervals so that you are not in the same position all of the time. So rest assured, it is possible to get rid of all the ailments that occur from working on the computer.  

Exercise and Prevention of Repetitive Stress Injuries

Exercise And Children, What You Should Know

Your child of lets say eight years old tells you he or she wants to start exercising and that he or she wants to start lifting weights. Now you might want to know if this is really a good idea, if it is safe and if it will benefit your child or if it is not something that is recommended for children to do.

The long and short of it is, yes, it is beneficial to your child to partake in a weight training program but here are some things to keep in mind when getting your child into a weight training program.

Children are not miniature adults and so you cannot use the same methods on growing children as you can with adults as children are different from adults anatomically, physiologically and emotionally. Children have immature skeletons. Their bones do not mature until age 14 to 22 years old. In girls, exercise during childhood can have critical effects on bone health that can last for their whole lives.

Children are often vulnerable to growth related overuse injuries such as Osgood schlatter’s disease. Children have immature temperature regulation systems due to having a large surface area compared to their muscle mass which makes them more susceptible to injury when not properly warmed up.

Children do not sweat as much as adults so they are also more susceptible to heat exhaustion as well as heat stroke. Their low muscle mass and immature hormone system makes it harder for them to develop strength and speed and their breathing and heart responses during exercise are different from an adult’s which affects their capacity for exercise.

Now, boys and girls can greatly improve their strength with weight training but as opposed to adults, neurological factors instead of muscle growth factors are mostly responsible for these gains. When considering a program for a child, medical clearance should be obtained first and foremost. The best first approach for designing a program is to establish a repetition range of 8 to 12 and keep the work load appropriate for that range.

Workouts should be spread out to have at least 1 to 2 full days of rest between each workout and the main focus on every exercise performed should be on form and technique, not on weight lifted. Some guidelines to consider are: warm-up and stretching should be done before weight training. Start with light loads and make appropriate adjustments from there. No more than 3 non-consecutive exercise sessions should be done in a week and see that they drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.

Always remember that if at anytime your child is sick, has an injury of any kind or seems tired or non-energetic, do not have them exercise until you are sure they are better or until they have seen a doctor and have clearance from them.

By: Jim Oneill

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Jim O’Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle.

Massage Technique for Carpal Tunnel and Pronator Teres Syndrome

Pronator Teres Syndrome and Massage Therapy

This article describes a little known but widespread nerve entrapment syndrome called Pronator Teres Syndrome. Persons with this affliction experience pain, numbness, and weakness of the forearm and hand. Massage Therapy is an effective treatment of Pronator Teres Syndrome.

Massage Therapy and Bodywork are very effective in treating muscular pain and related problems arising from muscular issues. For example, in my San Antonio, Texas based Massage Therapy and Bodywork practice I often treat pain from various nerve entrapment syndromes including the supposedly rare Pronator Teres Syndrome. Like many painful conditions Pronator Teres Syndrome responds quite well to massage therapy and bodywork.

What is Pronator Teres Syndrome?

Pronator Teres Syndrome is the name of a painful nerve entrapment condition, sometimes misdiagnosed as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, in which the median nerve is placed under abnormal pressure by the pronator teres muscle near the elbow. The pronator teres muscle attaches to both the humerus and ulna bones near the elbow and then diagonally across to the radius bone. When the pronator teres muscle becomes tight and enlarged, pain results from myofascial trigger points (knots) in the muscle, and pressure on the median nerve which passes through the muscle’s two heads. Pain from Pronator Teres Syndrome is usually found in the forearm and wrist as well has the palm of the hand on the thumb side. Additionally, there is very often numbness or a pins and needles feeling in palm, thumb, forefinger, and middle finger that seems very much the same pattern as seen in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Most of the time the symptoms are on one side, usually the dominant hand, but may affect both sides at the same time. Additionally, people with Pronator Teres Syndrome often have a sense of weakness in the hand and symptoms may worsen with continued use.

What is the cause of Pronator Teres Syndrome?

There are a number of causes for Pronator Teres Syndrome including direct blunt trauma to the muscle itself and elbow injuries, however this syndrome is most often caused by overuse and/or repetitive stress of the pronator teres muscle. Examples of activities contributing to this syndrome include prolonged use of screw drivers or other hand tools, overhand (topspin) motions in racquet sports such as tennis, and other activities requiring repetitive forearm turning motions.

carpal tunnel syndrome and massage therapy

Massage Therapy and Bodywork for Pronator Teres Syndrome

There are many ways that massage therapy and bodywork can be used to treat Pronator Teres Syndrome. The massage therapist will employ a number of techniques to relieve the condition. For example the massage therapist may use Neuromuscular Therapy or Trigger Point Therapy to eliminate myofascial trigger points in the pronator teres muscle. The massage therapist could also use Myofascial Release techniques or Deep Tissue Massage techniques to release adhesions between the pronator teres muscle and surrounding tissues while also using Muscle Energy Techniques to gently lengthen the pronator teres muscle. Pronator Teres Syndrome also responds well to positional release therapies such as Ortho-Bionomy which work with the body’s nervous system to release muscles and improve joint movement in the area. In addition to working on the pronator teres muscle it may be necessary to provide therapy for other muscles near pronator teres and even to muscles opposing pronator teres to improve muscular balance. Comprehensive treatment with massage and bodywork, in conjunction with a home program of stretching and exercise, usually helps to completely resolve Pronator Teres Syndrome.

Other Treatments for Pronator Teres Syndrome

While massage therapy and bodywork are an excellent treatment for Pronator Teres Syndrome there are other treatments you should discuss with your physician:

Corticosteroid Injections
Anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS)
Decompressive Surgery

Other Names for Pronator Teres Syndrome

Pronator Syndrome
Pinched Nerve

The information on this page has been provided for information purposes only. It is not meant to provide a medical diagnosis, only a licensed physician may diagnose Pronator Teres Syndrome. If you feel that you have the symptoms of Pronator Teres Syndrome please see your physician for a proper diagnosis and plan of treatment which may include massage therapy and bodywork. There are a number of serious conditions that are similar Pronator Teres Syndrome that could require immediate medical attention.

If, after consulting your physician, you would like to pursue treatment of Pronator Teres Syndrome with Massage Therapy and Bodywork please contact me at my San Antonio Massage and Bodywork practice or contact a Massage Therapist near you.

Massage By Ben – San Antonio, Texas
Massage Therapy and Bodywork for pain relief and sports performance in San Antonio, Texas.

By Ben Crabtree
Published: 2/18/2008


Carpal Tunnel Release – Pearland

One of the major places in the country that treat carpal tunnel is the Houston metropolitan area.  This area includes Pearland, Lakeland, and Freidnswood. We are compiling a list of medical care doctors and facilities in the area plus a rating of those places which treat carpal tunnel syndrome.   

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel in Wrist

A review of the various treaments available for carpal tunnel syndrome including release surgery and other different ways to cure carpal tunnel. … pearland carpal tunnel surgery.

Carpal Tunnel Release – do you need it?

carpal tunnel release pearland 1 out of every 100 people is affected by carpal tunnel syndrome at some point in their life. It is commonly caused in the women of the age group of 30-50 years..

Pearland Doctor

Pearland, Texas – Chiropractor – Dr. Robin Jacobs-Rodriguez DC Allergies – Asthma – back ache -Carpal Tunnel – Elbow pain- Fibromyalgia – Headaches – Hip pain – Joint pain / problems – Knee pain – lower back pain – muscle tightness.

Houston Carpal Tunnel Clinic

Carpal Tunnel Clinic – Surgery Centers – Dr. Siddiqi is on staff at the following locations so that your surgery can be convenient as possible. The Methodist Hospital (Willowbrook Hospital) 18220 Tomball Parkway Houston TX 77070,

KSF Orthopaedic – Carpal Tunnel Mini Open Technique – Houston Texas

KSF Orthopaedic center offers carpal tunnel mini open technique a more complete carpal tunnel surgery solutions.

Physical Therapy Techniques for Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow Exercises

Tennis elbow is a condition that affects sportsman and other individuals more often than tennis players. Tennis elbow is a long-lasting condition and hence the prognosis depends on early measures of rehabilitation comprising of rest and exercises.

Tennis Elbow Exercises Tennis elbow also known as ‘lateral epicondylitis’ is a stress injury with symptoms of pain and swelling at the lateral side of the elbow. Tenderness is elicited at the elbow laterally near the insertion of ‘extensor tendon’. It affects golfers, bowlers, racquet players, gardeners, carpenters, housekeepers, industrial workers and in those where the occupation demands repeated activities of hands and forearm.

Resting the forearm, applying icepacks and administering proper painkillers helps treat acute cases of tennis elbow with severe pain. This aids in quick healing of the micro tears in the tendons and muscles of the elbow. Physiotherapy and exercises contribute to strengthen and improve movements of the muscles of forearm.

Tennis Elbow Exercises
Tennis elbow exercises recover the flexibility and strength of muscles of forearm and wrists. These exercises also ensure proper blood circulation to the injured part and promote healing. The intensity of exercises should be increased gradually and avoid doing the ones that are painful. Exercises for lateral epicondylitis consists of stretching and strengthening exercises at the wrist, elbow and forearm.

Ball Squeezing Exercise
This exercise builds up the muscle power and durability to further withstand weight exercises. Hold a soft squeeze ball in your hand for a few seconds and release. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times twice a day.

Stretching Exercises for Tennis Elbow
Warming up of wrist joint and elbow joint is necessary before exercising the muscles. The normal range of movement at the wrist consists of palmar flexion, extension and lateral deviations. The range of motions at the elbow consists of flexion and then straightening of the elbow. These movements should be practiced 2-3 times in sets of 10.

Another stretching exercise is pronation and supination of the forearm. It is done by rotation of the palms downwards and upwards respectively without bending the wrist.

Strengthening Exercises for Tennis Elbow

  • Rest the forearm with wrist and palm facing downwards at the edge of a table. Hold a weight of around 400-500 g in the hand and bend the wrist downwards and then straighten it. Repeat the exercise for 2 minutes until the wrists are worked sufficiently.
  • Rest the forearm with wrist and palm facing upwards from the edge of the table. Hold the weight in the hand, flex the wrists and then lower it down.
  • Stand upright with the arms held out. Hold a stick in your hand and attach weights to it with a rope that reaches the ground. Roll the rope around the stick completely with the rotational movements at the wrist. Unroll the rope again so that it touches the ground.
  • The same exercise should be repeated with palm facing downwards and upwards. This helps in strengthening the wrist flexor pronators as well as extensors respectively.
  • Practice pronation and supination with appropriate weights or dumbbells. Another exercise is to place the wrist on a table with thumb facing upwards. Hold a hammer in hand and raise the wrist so that the thumb is pointing towards the ceiling. Straighten the wrist and repeat the exercise for 2 minutes. Same method can be followed while moving the wrist outwards towards the little finger.

In all the above weight exercises increase the weight gradually as the movements become easier without increasing the frequency of exercise. Initial weight can be 400 g and the duration around 120-160 seconds. The sets should be repeated after a resting period of 1-2 minutes.

These exercises help in improving the joint flexibility of wrist and elbow in all directions. Sports persons should consult a physiotherapist for overall strength training to avoid undue strain on body parts that are overused. Immediate treatment and physical therapy would prevent further episodes of tennis elbow. Recovery would depend upon age, general fitness level and the extent of injury.

By Dr. Meenaz M
Published: 5/30/2008

Tennis Elbow Surgery

When should you go for tennis elbow surgery?

Are you experiencing unbearable pain in your elbow every time you touch it or move it? Well, this could be due a condition called as "tennis elbow" that develops due to tiny tears occurring in the tendon and in the muscle coverings. The condition is more prevalent among tennis players though others can get it too. While the condition can usually be treated by means of proper exercise, medication and/or the use of elbow braces that support and strengthen the elbow, tennis elbow surgery sometimes remains the only choice in stubborn cases of tennis elbow.

In most cases, the body can heal on its own and all you need to do is rest the elbows by eliminating aggravating activities from your routine for some time to enable this natural body healing. However in more severe cases of tennis elbow, the pain persists for several months necessitating fast remedial action. A tennis elbow surgery is then advised to get quick relief from the agonizing pain and discomfort.

Some of the most common treatment options for tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis include:

  • Trim abnormal tendons 3-4 cm
  • Release tendon from bone
  • Ossatripsy

Since tennis elbow surgery is usually a treatment option of the last resort, doctors use other treatment options before advising surgery. Over-the-counter medications and icing the affected area are some of the most basic measures used to combat elbow pain. Due to the inherent risks associated with an invasive surgery, doctors recommend surgery only if the patient has a pain level that disrupts his/her routine life. As such, surgery is not considered until a patient has undergone conservative treatment for a minimum period of 6 months. Cortisone shots are also administered to alleviate the elbow pain. If the pain does not subside despite all these efforts, surgery is then considered.

tennis elbow surgery

Types of tennis elbow surgery

If all the criteria for surgery are met, doctors may consider one of the two forms of invasive lateral epicondylitis surgery to treat tennis elbow. The first invasive surgery is carried out to create a 3 – 4 cm incision in the arm. During the surgery, the tendon sheaths are trimmed and the incision is closed thereafter. On the other hand, the second type of invasive surgery is performed to cut open the arm and then release the tendon from the bone by means of a scalpel. Since both types of invasive surgeries are conducted on an outpatient basis, a patient is allowed to go home on the same day after the surgery with the operated arm placed in a sling.

The arm may also be wrapped in a plaster cast depending on the extent of the surgery and doctor’s evaluation. It is important to keep the arm elevated to bring down the swelling. The arm should also be kept dry and clean in order to maintain hygiene. In addition, moisture in the early stages of tennis elbow surgery can weaken the scar tissue of the body and should be avoided at all costs. For best surgical results, it is important to follow your doctor’s advice and consult him/her immediately in case the pain gets worse.

Like any other invasive surgery, tennis elbow surgery also has certain risks associated with it. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage
  • May experience difficulty while straightening or extending the arm
  • A painful and/or an ugly scar on the skin surface
  • Persistent weakness in the arm and/or wrist

In addition, there is always a chance that the treatment may not improve the condition at all or may worsen the elbow pain. It usually takes about three to four weeks to see if the tennis elbow surgery has actually helped in treating the problem. Stitches are generally removed after almost ten to fourteen days after surgery and patients are prohibited from driving for about a week.

For those who are scared of invasive type of surgery can go for ossatripsy, a non-invasive option. Chronic tennis elbow patients have been treated effectively using this method.

Surgery Recovery Period

The term of recovery varies from one patient to another though most patients are able to resume normal life in about three to six weeks. You must however remember that tendons take quite some time to heal though you may not feel pain. Subjecting your elbow to strong forces can delay the healing process and may even result in permanent damage. Any activity that can trigger the problem should therefore be avoided for a period of 12 weeks or more. To get permanent relief from tennis elbow, your doctor may suggest simple exercises that can be easily performed at home or work.

To get more information on tennis elbow surgery, visit For advice on how to avoid tennis elbow and what you can do about it, visit

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