www.myyogaonline.com My Yoga Online presents Dr. Carla Cupido discussing remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Distributed by Tubemogul.
How to identify and treat injury resulting from over use
www.myyogaonline.com My Yoga Online presents Dr. Carla Cupido discussing remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Yes, they can help, but ideally you should find a medical practitioner who treats with soft tissue techniques like Active Release Technique (ART) and Graston Technique as they are excellent for successfully treating this condition. If you already have CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome), you may have to take it easy with these stretches, but your practitioner will suggest what is best for you at your stage of the condition. Hope this helps.
i dont get the pain just hand feels cold and loss of feeling
i went to a doctor about the pains in my fingers and knuckles. type all day long. no pains in the carpal area really. slightly numbness in the fingers. cant type at end of day
doctor didn’t even look at me. said carpal. said to get off it or get surgery. 0 help.
Why didn’t she show how to stretch her legs
ive tried them a couple of times and they def help
drcarlacupido, Can you recommend somebody really good of these practitioners? Can you give website or telephone or address? I have carpal tunnel more than a year now , and it is ruining my life.
This is very helpful. Thanks.
Thank you. These exercises are amazing. I didn’t pay much attention to them at first but when my doctor sent me to therapy they recommended same exercises. I been doing it for a week now and I feel great. I can type without any problems.
Hell yeah!
thanks this helps me allot
she’s a hottie
Let us be one
going to bed with her could also remedy it
good stuff. shes a hottie fo sho
good vid
Very good exercise! Thanks for sharing.
You are a blessing!!!!!!!!!thank you ….I was in so much pain that I was crying!!!!!
This is a lifesaver….my wrists and neck have been so sore that it was unbearable. THANK YOU!
when i do the train track thing my head starts to hurt lol. like a head ache.
also just like joel asked, does masterbating help or hurt?