What’s the fastest way to heal achilles tendonitis?

Achilles Tendonitis on the foot above the heal. Need a quick way to heal. Can walk on foot no MRI/Xrays has been done.Can move toe/foot without much pain it’s been 2 weeks now PLEAS HELP.

3 thoughts on “What’s the fastest way to heal achilles tendonitis?”

  1. I have had chronic tendinitis in my arms related to my carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. Honestly, the thing that has worked for me is massage therapy. It hurts bad sometimes, but gets the knots out. You need someone who does deep tissue massage.

    Also, my sister swears by Blue Emu cream-the real stuff, not the generic. You can get at Walgreens, I think.

    Good luck.

  2. Asuming you do not have a tear in the muscle, You should try to get some bodywork. I would stay away from deep tissue since it can cause more injury. I would recommend Bowenwork. You will also need to find the cause-a one time injury or is it muscle imbalance causing you to use your calves to much.

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