If you have ever had tennis elbow you would know how painful this malady can be.
THIS HURTS! What hurts…: Elbow and forarm. How you hurt it…: Not sure, maybe carrying armloads of heavy clothing for long distances, setting up tradeshow,lifting heavy objects. When you hurt it…: 4 monthsago. Your pain level (1 is low, 10 is high pain): 9. Your age and overall health…: 52 good health. Any other information you feel is relevant…: Loss of strength in arm and hand. Lifting objects with injured arm impossible. Painful when front of elbow is bumped. Sometimes burning sensation for no reason when arm is at rest. Starts in outside front of elbow area and radiates down to the hand. Cannot bear any wieght when pressing down on this arm, very painful. YOUR INJURY COULD BE… Tennis Elbow REHAB YOUR INJURY BY… Stretching: Straighten your elbow and pull your hand straight down. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and release – do this 3 times. Go to the point of pain and not beyond – more is not necessarily better. Make sure you stretch both directions. Massage: Massage straight down and across the tendons that are sore in your elbow area. Use circular motions, apply deep pressure along the tendons and as it becomes less sore you may go across the tendons. You can do this yourself or have someone else do it for you. Massage all the way down to where you feel your pain. Use lotion to reduce ‘sticking’ on your skin. The pain should be less. If it is not, then you may be applying too much pressure. Icing: 15 minutes for 2 to 3 times per day, with at least one …
Usually I rub it myself. But I’d prefer if you did it.
Aww thankss! I bet physiotherapists like u make great wives. My elbow feels better already!
thank you !!!! my arm already feels better just from doing those stretches
im quite sure that i have symptoms of tennis elbow, but rather than having the pain radiate toward my wrist, my pain focuses more upward to my bicep. is it possible i have torn a muscle?
What are you implying?
wow..feeling better..thank you..I hope it heals to 100%..
I get the same pain but only during my workout. When I lift or do push ups it gets worse. I’m going to try this and hope that is helps.
I have this pain as well. I lift weights frequently and have backed down my workout schedule. However, the pain is more intense when doing “Everyday” range of motion, than lifting heavy weight. I started to feel this soreness after a day at the shooting range? Could the injury have stemmed from holding my gun for prolonged periods of time? Thanks for any response.
do i have tennis elbow my elbow seems to crack when i do stuff
i have this problem since last 4 years but it get worst when i do dumbell or bar bell curl. should i stop doing weight lifting?
same here all my joints seem weak but wen i left weight they actully start to give me a sharpish pain.
I developed a stabbing pain just in my outer elbow today and have no idea why except I was lifting a heavy bag and had on my backpack with my laptop in it. It hurts and I hate that!
I was t-boned at highway speeds while driving a big pickup. I had a death grip on the steering wheel and went sliding sideways down the interstate 50feet or so. Ever since (6mos) I have elbow pain when I pick up my heavy purse from the passenger seat beside me and bring it across my body to get out of the car. Pain cannot be reproduced by the dr but occurs every morning with the purse maneuver. I also have a tender spot in the “dimple” of the elbow on top.
i`ve had this for about six weeks, have i got to look foward to YEARS of this? Does it ever go back to normal like as if it never happened.
i`m going to do these stretches cos i`m really getting p***sed off with my elbow, i can`t workout properly.
Yeah, right. For anyone who has seen this video and tried this, do tell- have you actually had any improvement? As a PT myself, I could tell you that this crap that this broad talks about is old school, outdated, and ineffective in my experience. However, perhaps others think otherwise. Let us know, I’m very curious
Do you still have Elbow pain? I have it like Crazy I can’t even lean on a wall or push down on my my desk, it hurts to close a fuckin DOOR it’s ridiculous man. I haven’t been able to workout my upper Body for awhile cuz of it it’s really irritating
I`ve been doing what`s on this video and it has helped, though mine don`t seem like it was as bad as yours sounds, still hurts doing bicep curls, and as for doing shoulders front raises – forget it it`s a killer.
do you have a better solution?
I am training to be a PT and have tennis elbow at the moment. I have had it for over a year and a half and this is only two percent of the journey. You must stretch not ony the forearms, but also the bis, tris, shoulders, chest and neck. I think strength training is the only way out of this miserable condition. That and ice two times per day.
pretty girl
Thanks. Looks sensible.
okay. i need help. im a pitcher for my high school freshaman team. i pitched on tuesday in a pitching lesson, and knew that i should have rested. on thursday, i was asked to pitch in our game, and my elbow and upper arm started to hurt a lot (it had hurt wednesday too). my team practices 6 days a week, and ive been throwing, but really easily. my arm still hurts today (saturday), and i want to know if i just need a few days rest, or if its something more serious.
okay. i need help. im a pitcher for my high school freshman team. i pitched on tuesday in a pitching lesson, and knew that i should have rested. on thursday, i was asked to pitch in our game, and my elbow and upper arm started to hurt a lot (it had hurt wednesday too). my team practices 6 days a week, and ive been throwing, but really easily. my arm still hurts today (saturday), and i want to know if i just need a few days rest, or if its something more serious.