Shoulder Tendonitis

Start Shoulder Tendonitis Treatment Before You Develop a Rotator Cuff Tear

Shoulder tendonitis is a condition that will effect a lot of us at some time in our lives. It is caused by inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff. Early symptoms will include pain after exercise or activity. This usually gives you some sign of what is causing the condition in the first place. Left untreated the pain can become constant. It tends to be at the side and top of the shoulder and is at its worst when lifting your arm above shoulder height.

Your shoulder can feel weaker than normal, depending on how long you have had the problem. Movement may be accompanied by a cracking or popping sound and as the shoulder deteriorates you may have trouble getting comfortable at night so sleep may become difficult.

It is tempting to continue as normal and work through the pain, especially if it is not too severe but ignoring this relatively minor condition can lead to more serious problems.

Shoulder Tendonitis can come about for a variety of reasons. Some of us are born with a predisposition to shoulder problems. If your work involves using yoru shoulders a lot or you use them a lot in a sports activity you can be vulnerable especially if it is overhead activity. Shelf stackers, painters and decorators are all at a higher risk of shoulder tendonitis.

Early shoulder tendonitis treatment is essential. This will involve the R.I.C.E formula. Rest, Ice Compression and Elevation.

You need to stop any activity that causes you pain and aggravates the problem. If you feel pain with a movement stop doing it. This might involve changes at home or work but is vitally important. Every painful movement causes more damage to the rotator cuff tendons and you can end up with a torn rotator cuff if you ignore this.

Ice, compression and elevation are all intended to help reduce the inflammation that is causing the pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs taken at regular intervals will also help. If you control the inflammation,the pain will be controlled as well.

When you have got the pain under control it is important to start some shoulder exercises to strengthen not only the rotator cuff muscles but also the rest of the shoulder muscles. By getting your shoulder muscles in shape you significantly reduce the risk of futire injuries. There are twenty two muscles involved in shoulder movement. If you wake them all up and get them working together they can help your rotator cuff solve your shoulder tendonitis and you will avoid further problems.

These will not be exercises to do at the gym. Pushing weights will do nothing. They tend to be exercises that use little or no weights or resistance, often Pilates or Yoga based that focus on control and flexibility above strength. The great thing is that they can usually be done at home at a convenient time.

Exercise is the key to successful shoulder tendonitis treatment. Deal with the inflammation and pain and once things have settled down strengthen your shoulder muscles and rotator cuff.

That way you will easily avoid the pain and inconvenience of a rotator cuff tear.
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Tennis Elbow Treatment & Exercises For Hand Muscle Strength

This is a comprehensive video that will give you an indication as to what you can do about tennis elbow.

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RICE – Pain Remedy for Tendonitis

What’s Rice? – Pain Remedies for Your Tendonitis

People who are extraordinarily active are at risk for tendonitis, particularly if they perform repetitive tasks.

Computer users, athletes, golfers and tennis players are all prime candidates for tendonitis. Tendonitis occurs when the tendon suffers a small tear or becomes irritated and inflamed. A doctor can diagnose tendonitis through a medical history, and physical exam.

Sometimes the doctor will perform tests such as imaging or blood tests to rule out other medical conditions before making the diagnosis. A physical exam is, sometimes, all that is needed in order to make the diagnosis of tendonitis.

chronic wrist pain

Once the diagnosis is made a treatment plan can be devised that will help to alleviate the pain, tenderness and inflammation associated with tendonitis. The pain is especially bothersome and individuals with tendonitis have several options available for pain relief.

Immediately upon the injury occurrence, the individual will likely be in acute pain. Immediately stop the activity that caused the pain. The individual should avoid this activity for a minimum of three weeks in order to rest the joint.

If it is not possible to avoid the activity such as using the computer which is the cause of the tendonitis and you need to use the computer in order to earn a living, then you will need to take as much time off as possible in the beginning and then when you return to the activity, use support to the area as much as possible (wrap with ace bandage).

As soon as possible you will want to receive pain relief and the quickest relief will be the RICE method, which is rest, ice, compression and elevation of the affected part.

This is something the individual can do at home to bring some relief as soon as possible. Wrap an ice pack around the affected body part (ankle, arm, shoulder, or groin. The pain should lessen within a half hour.

Believe it or not weight training can help to prevent tendonitis in the future and is thus a source of future pain prevention. Weightlifting will help to increase muscle mass. Ten to twenty repetitions are all you need to do.

Make sure you do some gentle stretches before and after the weight lifting. The weightlifting should involve the injured part. Hand weights should be used if the tendonitis has occurred in your arm.

Another way to avoid future tendonitis is to take frequent breaks especially if the cause of your tendonitis is work-related.

Tendonitis while not a serious injury can be very painful and it can become chronic if you do not take care of it properly. The tendon does need to heal and the inflammation reduced.

If you follow basic treatment plans such as RICE, avoiding the activity that caused the tendonitis, stretching and weight lifting after the injury has healed and trying your best to prevent future tendonitis you should reduce your pain now and in the future.

Learn more in depth information about tendonitis degenerative conditions and rotator cuff tendonitis.

By Lynn Doxley

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