Coritsone Shots – Heal or Pain Relief

Will a cortisone shot (for tennis elbow) actually increase healing or simply provide temporary pain relief?

Been struggling with tennis elbow for 7 weeks. I haven’t touched a racquet in 6 weeks and stopped lifting weights 4 weeks ago. Started taking Aleve twice a day 5 days ago and plan to continue that for total of 14 days then see MD if no better. I was icing it 1-2 times a day for about 2 weeks but stopped after no improvement felt. Any thoughts?

Elbow Tendonitis Healing Time

Has some one experienced elbow tendonitis during pregnancy? If yes how long does it take to be normal?

I never really thought this type of situation would occur when pregnant, but I did.

My wife just got pregnant and also elbow tendonitis during the same time. It just kept getting worse to such a extent that she cant move or fold her elbow. Has some one experienced such a condition?
My wife just got pregnant and also elbow tendonitis during the same time. It just kept getting worse to such a extent that she cant move or fold her elbow. so much she cant do her daily tasks. And this has been happening since last 5-6 days 24 hours. Has some one experienced such a condition?

I’ve just been diagnosed with tendonitis. How can I keep my arm strong while I heal?

I played a little too much tennis and developed tendonitis in my right wrist. The doctor has put me in a rmovable brace to immobilize the area for a wew week, at which time I’ll get physical therapy. However, having my wrist immobilized for a such a long timewill deteriorate the muscle. I’m wondering how I can keep my arm fit without worsening the tendonitis.

How to give an Injection for Tennis Elbow

Texas Tech Sports Medicine videos from the Texas Tech MedCast: Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Injections. Correct procedures for giving injections for lateral epicondylitis to treat pain for tennis elbow. For more information, see